urlscan.io Blog

Visual Search and Live Scanning APIs GA

As of today, our Live Scanning and Visual Search features are no longer considered Beta. The APIs for these features are now stable and can be used in production use-cases. Customers on our Professional and Enterprise subscription tiers will find API documentation for these features in the urlscan Pro platform.

Visual Search allows users to find historical scans with visually similar screenshots to a scan of interest. This type of feature is also called Content-Based Image Retrieval. Check out the accompanying blog-post to learn more.

Live Scanning

Live Scanning allows you to scan websites quickly, from different locations, and with different browser options. Scan results are not automatically saved to urlscan.io, but you can use Store Scan if you want to archive a particular scan result.

Live Scanning is a very versatile capability that can be used for a number of common scenarios, including Reconnaisance, Change Monitoring and Remote File Retrieval.

urlscan Pro Trial

If you would like to take urlscan Pro for a spin just reach out to sales@urlscan.io. We offer 30-day free trials with no strings attached.